NL Texas Hold'em Poker-Qui est Phil Ivey?


Posted by Mara | Posted in Poker | Posted on 31-12-2009

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Phil Ivey a été décrite comme le numéro un joueur de poker sur la planète par la plupart des meilleurs professionnels. Phil est né à Riverside, CA et a déménagé à New Jersey, avant son premier anniversaire. Son grand-père a enseigné Penny Phil-ante Five Card Stud Poker. A partir de là sur, Phil a été accroché sur le poker et je voulais découvrir tout ce qu'il pouvait sur le poker. Phil dit régulièrement ses grands-parents qu'il voulait être un joueur de poker professionnel. Il n'a pas laissé les réactions négatives des autres anéantir son ambition d'être l'un des concurrents de poker meilleurs au monde.

Phil a commencé à concourir avec attention après l'acquisition d'une fausse identité par le nom de Jérôme. Il a perfectionné ses techniques dans les casinos à Atlantic City. Le premier nombre d'années ont été pour lui une période d'apprentissage et de gagner n'est pas un résultat normal à l'époque. Il a fait sa marque au World Series of Poker 2000 quand il a atteint deux tables finales et a remporté son 1er bracelet World Series of Poker, dans un deux dollars, 500 Pot-Limit Omaha match. Lors de la dernière table, il a détruit beaucoup de mieux connaître les avantages dont "Amarillo Slim" Preston, David "Devilfish" Ulliot, et Phil Hellmuth, Jr.

Phil a décidé de prendre son jeu au prochain niveau et s'est dirigé vers l'ouest à Sin City. Il continue de participer à des "The Game Big" au Bellagio avec les plus grands joueurs du monde. Ivey crédits ses réalisations à travailler dur et d'un amour indéfectible pour le jeu de poker. Phil dit qu'il est d'apprendre tous les jours et il est très humble au sujet de ses réalisations. Phil avoue faire des erreurs dans chaque jeu de poker et aspire constamment à s'améliorer.

Malgré le fait que notre école est venu d'abord dans certains grands tournois, il aime détruire les jeux d'argent sur une base régulière.

NL Texas Hold'em Poker-Wer ist Phil Ivey?


Posted by Mara | Posted in Poker | Posted on 31-12-2009

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Phil Ivey wurde als Nummer eins der Poker-Spieler auf dem Planeten von den meisten der Top-Profis genannt. Phil war in Riverside, Kalifornien geboren und zog nach New Jersey vor seinem ersten Geburtstag. Sein Großvater lehrte Phil Penny-ante-Five-Card Stud Poker. Ab diesem Zeitpunkt an war Phil über Poker angeschlossen und wollte, was er konnte über Poker zu entdecken. Phil routinemäßig sagte seinen Großeltern, dass er sein wollte, ein professioneller Pokerspieler. Er ließ sich von den negativen Feedback von anderen zu vernichten sein Anliegen, als einer der besten Poker-Konkurrenten in der Welt.

Phil begann Wettbewerb aufmerksam nach dem Erwerb einer falschen ID mit dem Namen des Hieronymus. Er verfeinert seine Technik in den Kasinos in Atlantic City. Die erste Zahl von Jahren waren für ihn einer Lernphase und zu gewinnen war kein normales Ergebnis zu dieser Zeit. Er hat seine Spuren an der 2000 World Series of Poker, als er erreicht beiden letzten Tabellen und gewann seinen 1. World Series of Poker Armband, in einem Zwei-Dollar, 500 Pot-Limit Omaha Spiel. In der letzten Tabelle zerstörte er viele von den besser bekannten Profis wie "Amarillo Slim" Preston, David "Devilfish" Ulliot, und Phil Hellmuth Jr.

Phil beschlossen, sein Spiel auf die nächste Stufe zu nehmen und aus Richtung Westen zu Sin City. Er ist weiterhin in die Teilnahme an "The Big Game" im Bellagio mit der größten Spieler der Welt. Ivey Credits seine Leistungen, hart zu arbeiten und eine unsterbliche Liebe für das Spiel des Pokers. Phil sagt, dass er jeden Tag lernen und ist sehr bescheiden über seine Erfolge. Phil gesteht Fehler zu machen in jedem Pokerspiel und immer bestrebt, besser zu werden.

Trotz der Tatsache, dass Ivey gekommen ist, zunächst in einigen großen Turnieren, liebt er es zerstören Geld-Spiele auf einer regelmäßigen Basis.

NL Texas Hold'em Poker-Chi è Phil Ivey?


Posted by Mara | Posted in Poker | Posted on 31-12-2009

[ English ]

Phil Ivey è stato definito come il numero di un giocatore di poker sul pianeta dalla maggior parte dei professionisti. Phil è nato a Riverside, California, e si trasferì a New Jersey prima del suo primo compleanno. Suo nonno insegna Penny Phil-ante Five-Card Stud. Da allora in poi, Phil è stato agganciato a poker e voleva scoprire tutto ciò che poteva sul poker. Phil routine ha detto ai suoi nonni, che voleva essere un giocatore professionista di poker. Non ha lasciato il feedback negativo da altri annientare la sua ambizione di essere uno dei migliori concorrenti di poker al mondo.

Phil cominciato a gareggiare con attenzione dopo l'acquisizione di una identità falsa con il nome di Girolamo. Ha affinato le sue tecniche al casinò di Atlantic City. Il primo numero di anni per lui sono stati un periodo di apprendimento e vincere non è stato un risultato normale, al momento. Ha fatto il suo marchio presso l'2000 World Series of Poker quando ha raggiunto due tavoli finali e ha vinto il suo 1 braccialetto delle World Series of Poker, un dollaro in due, 500 Pot-Limit Omaha match. Al tavolo scorso ha distrutto molti dei professionisti più conosciuti tra cui "Amarillo Slim" Preston, David "Devilfish" Ulliot, e Phil Hellmuth, Jr.

Phil ha deciso di prendere il suo gioco al livello successivo e si diresse verso ovest a Sin City. Egli continua a partecipare a "The Game Big" al Bellagio con i più grandi giocatori del mondo. Ivey crediti suoi successi di duro lavoro e un amore imperituro per il gioco del poker. Phil dice che sta imparando ogni giorno ed è molto umile dei suoi progressi. Phil ammette di commettere errori in ogni partita di poker e aspira costantemente a migliorare.

Nonostante il fatto che Ivey è venuto prima in alcuni tornei di grandi dimensioni, che vuole distruggere i giochi di denaro su base regolare.

NL Texas Hold'em Poker ¿Quién es Phil Ivey?


Posted by Mara | Posted in Poker | Posted on 31-12-2009

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Phil Ivey se ha denominado "el número de un jugador de póquer en el planeta por la mayoría de los mejores profesionales. Phil nació en Riverside, California y se mudó a Nueva Jersey antes de su primer cumpleaños. Su abuelo enseñó centavo Phil ante Five-Card Stud. A partir de entonces en adelante, Phil estaba enganchado en el póquer y quería descubrir todo lo que pudiera sobre el póquer. Phil rutinariamente le dijo a su abuelos que quería ser un jugador de póquer profesional. Él no permitió que la retroalimentación negativa de los demás aniquilar a su ambición de ser uno de los mejores competidores de póquer del mundo.

Phil comenzó a competir con atención después de adquirir una identidad falsa con el nombre de Jerónimo. Se perfeccionó sus técnicas en los casinos de Atlantic City. El primer número de años para él fue un período de aprendizaje y ganar no era un resultado normal en el momento. Ha dejado su huella en la Serie Mundial de Poker 2000, cuando llegó a dos mesas finales y ganó su 1 ª World Series of Poker pulsera, en dólares de dos, 500 Pot-Limit Omaha partido. En la última mesa destruyó muchos de los profesionales más conocido como "Amarillo Slim" Preston, David "Devilfish" Ulliot, y Phil Hellmuth, Jr.

Phil decidió llevar su juego al siguiente nivel y se dirigió hacia el oeste a Sin City. Él sigue participando en en "The Game Big" en el Bellagio, con los mejores jugadores del mundo. Ivey créditos de sus logros a trabajar duro y un eterno amor por el juego de póquer. Phil dice que está aprendiendo cada día y es muy humilde de sus logros. Phil admite a cometer errores en cada juego de póquer y aspira constantemente a mejorar.

A pesar de que Ivey ha llegado primero en algunos torneos grandes, le gusta la destrucción de los juegos de dinero en forma regular.

Poker Theme Party History, Facts, and Game Trivia


Posted by Mara | Posted in Poker | Posted on 26-12-2009

Did you know that based on the statistics, poker party background, facts, and trivia, poker needs to be assigned a national sport? Forty to 50 million Americans habitually have fun playing poker. That is higher than one in five Americans taking part in this captivating, generally addictive game! Among notable poker contenders, one of the most famous and eminent American presidents, President Richard Nixon, won 6,000 dollars during his 1st two months in the U.S.A. Navy during World War II, playing poker. The dough he won was spent to fund his initial campaign for congress, a campaign he won!

Even though the game likely was born in China in 1120 A.D., not a soul knows clearly when the game came into existence, still, we are conscious that when Columbus landed on US shores in 1492, his men plucked wide leaves from trees, marked them with pictures, and played cards. Because numerous folks play poker, it is quite easy to determine that there should be several people who have poker groupies in their family! It is simple to accommodate a party that is sure to please them, if your poker party comes full-blown with poker reports, poker facts, and poker trivia!

Think about tucking a choice invitation inside your common invitations to those who are fond of playing poker, inviting pals to stay late, after the everyday party finishes, and enjoy the game! You can just put holes in the corner of a few playing cards, tie them together with ribbon, and print the "distinct" invitation inside! That way, everybody should enjoy the party, and when the children and other guests leave, you will have arranged a party within a party, full with an after party game, pretzels, pizza, and your choice beverage! You can play along yourself, if you appreciate poker, or even take on the role of dealer if you elect to be associated and do not play the game yourself!

Gratis Net Poker


Posted by Mara | Posted in Poker | Posted on 25-12-2009

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So you wish to learn all of the techniques that pro poker gamblers employ to win large events. Well, now you can when you participate in no charge online poker. When you play free net poker you are provided a chance to discover more than just the regulations of the various games. you most definitely will find out which hands to bet on and which hands to fold. You’ll definitely also discover how much to wager and at what point you have a decent chance to bluff your competitor.

You can practice as much as you want at a casino that offers no charge online poker and most of all, you can play from the coziness of your home or anyplace else that has an internet hookup. You are able to pick from many numerous games at an online poker website including but not limited to Omaha, Seven Card Stud, Hold’em, and even Paduki. You are able to always locate a table to participate at and you will be playing vs. gamblers that are at the same skill level. You might pick to participate at individual tables or attempt one of the many tournament choices such as individual or multi-table tournaments.

It does not cost you anything to register and participate no charge net poker and there is never any added weight to start playing for actual money. Although, when you’re prepared you can begin playing for small stakes or big stakes. It is up to you. Why not get in on the entertainment and thrill now. Join and start playing right now.

Advantages of Poker Games on the Web


Posted by Mara | Posted in Poker | Posted on 24-12-2009

[ English ]

As poker increases in popularity, players seek out simpler and more accessible way to join this game. Playing poker games on the web is becoming well-known for just about every poker enthusiasts as a result of the perks and features that they are able to provide to the players. No matter what ability level a player possesseshas, there are a number of reasons why they would attempt to compete in poker games online.

Whether you are an accomplished or a newbie player, wagering on poker matches on the net is a stimulating and exciting compitition. Internet poker games are easily as mentally exciting as poker matches which take place at a buddy’s place or at a land based poker room. People are able to learn a great deal from having the ability to bet on poker games. This level of education is able to increase at a faster rate when players can bet more often. Poker matches on the web permit a person to gamble on poker in a comfortable atmosphere, from their own house, regardless of what the time of day. A person will be able to wager on poker games online whenever they like. As a result of the opportunity to play at home, in a balanced and stable environment, they’re also able to focus attention more clearly on the poker game itself and the tips that they should be becoming versed in order to enhance their skills.

Younger individuals are becoming more interested in poker as of lately, and a fair amount of higher education students use poker games on the net to help them discover the nuances of the game when they have free timeat night.

Greatest Multiplayer Poker Room


Posted by Mara | Posted in Poker | Posted on 21-12-2009

Each and every poker player has a theory on what makes the best multiplayer poker casino. For a couple, they are wanting a place with virtual game tables, where betting real cash is an option. Others are looking for a choice of game options, so they can be the ones deciding just what and how to wager.

You might be interested in discovering the greatest multiplayer poker casino for your own betting styles. You can find a great many poker tables on the internet today where virtual chip play is available. If you want to really bet with your cash, find a site where you are able to create an account. Then you can decide if you would like to compete in and wager on a round or two or if you’d rather take a huge chance on a large tournament. Next you need to decide if low stakes or high stakes are for you. Naturally you also need to determine which variation of poker game you want to play. There is stud, omaha high, hold’em and many more. The best multiplayer poker site will offer you all these betting and gambling possibilities and much more.

It could also take a bit of work, but the ideal site for you is waiting for you. You only have to decide what will create the poker site just right.

Internet-Poker Room Styles


Posted by Mara | Posted in Poker | Posted on 17-12-2009

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Wenn Sie etwas für net-Poker ausprobieren entscheiden, sind Sie in der für eine ganze Menge Spaß. Jeder ist sich bewusst, Hold'em Poker, als Folge ihrer plötzlichen Popularität im Fernsehen und in den Casinos, aber nicht jede Person ist sich bewusst, dass es eine Reihe weiterer Online-Poker-Casino-Spiele für Dich zu entdecken und zu genießen. Die Variationen von Poker und Spielregeln sind endlos. Die Untersuchung der verschiedenen Web-Pokerraum Sorten öffnet sich eine ganz neue Erfahrung von Spielmöglichkeiten.

Einer der anderen Spielen verfügbar ist, Omaha High, die eine Reihe von Ähnlichkeiten zu Texas Hold'em hat, können nur Sie beginnen mit verdeckten Karten. Es gibt auch Seven Card Stud, die immer eine bevorzugte Wahl gewesen ist. Bei dieser Variante spielen Sie Ihre eigene Hand von Karten und nicht in Arbeitstagen von Karten für alle Spieler. Five Card Draw ist eine alte Variante, du kannst zaubern den Tagen des Cowboys und Planwagen, indem er diese klassische Variante. Dies sind nur ein paar Beispiele für sortierte Internet-Poker-Website-Spiele zum Ausprobieren.

Internet Poker Room styles


Posted by Mara | Posted in Poker | Posted on 17-12-2009

[ English ]

Si vous décidez de donner poker net un essai, vous êtes dedans pour une bonne dose de fun. Tout le monde est conscient du poker hold'em, en raison de sa popularité soudaine à la télévision et dans les casinos, mais pas chaque personne est au courant qu'il existe un certain nombre d'autres jeux de poker en ligne casino là-bas pour vous faire découvrir et apprécier. Les variations de poker et de règles de jeu sont infinies. En examinant les différentes variétés web salle de poker va ouvrir une toute nouvelle expérience de possibilités de jouer.

L'un des autres jeux disponibles est le poker Omaha High, qui a un certain nombre de similitudes au Texas Hold'em, seulement de commencer avec des cartes de trou plus. Il ya aussi Seven Card Stud, qui a toujours été un choix de prédilection. Avec cette variante, vous jouez votre main de cartes plutôt que de travailler à partir de cartes distribuées pour tous les joueurs. Five Card Draw est une variation ruines, vous évoquer les jours de cow-boy et de chariots bâchés, en jouant à cette variante classique. Ce ne sont que quelques exemples d'assortiment de jeux de poker site internet pour vous d'essayer.